Lörzweiler Elementary School booster club Rezo Goes Back to School

Website & Brochure

The Lörzweiler Elementary School booster club raises money to carry out projects that make the school’s students happier or smarter. And often times, both. Our contribution to this parent initiative was a small brand development, a brochure, and the club’s website. Did you notice the abacus in the logo? That’s something only a genius would come up with – or the team here at Rezo.

foerderverein.gs-loerzweiler.de website
foerderverein.gs-loerzweiler.de website mobile
Lörzweiler Elementary School booster club Logo
Lörzweiler Elementary School booster club Briefpapier
Lörzweiler Elementary School booster club letterhead
Lörzweiler Elementary School booster club Brochure and membership application
Lörzweiler Elementary School booster club letter backside